- SAKFA South African Kayak Fishing Association
- SAMSA South African Marine Safety Association
- Wind Finder Weather Forecast – Used by most Fisherman
- National Sea Rescue Institute Sea Rescue – Saving Lives
- Kayak Fishing SA Fishing from every angle by Mick Clarke
- Kayak Fishing KZN Dedicated to fishing ski angling in KZN
- Great American Days All About Kayak Adventures and USA Kayaking Links
- Best Fishing Kayaks Good USA based kayaking website
- Choosing The Best Fishing Kayaks Informative USA Based Kayaking Website & Blog – Ask Tony Harris
- Animated Knots Learn to tie knots for fishing, boating and household uses
- A Scout’s Guide To Boating Knots Security and safety often rest on the type of knot you choose to use and the quality of the knots you tie in your line. Recommended reading by scout Jacob Woods